Ancient Political Thought

Pfoh 2014 \"La política desde abajo en la Siria-Palestina de la Edad del Bronce Tardío\", Antiguo Oriente 12 (2014): 105-121.

Comparative Politics / Reciprocity (Social and Cultural Anthropology) / Political Culture / Ancient Near East / Amarna Letters / Patronage (History) / Egypt and Canaan / Ancient Near Eastern History / Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine (History and Archaeology) / Late Bronze Age / Ancient Political Thought / Prestige / Patron-Client Relations / Late Bronze Age Levant and new kingdom Egypt / Political Resistance / Politics from below in the Ancient Near East / Patronage (History) / Egypt and Canaan / Ancient Near Eastern History / Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine (History and Archaeology) / Late Bronze Age / Ancient Political Thought / Prestige / Patron-Client Relations / Late Bronze Age Levant and new kingdom Egypt / Political Resistance / Politics from below in the Ancient Near East

\"Pensar el decrecimiento con Platón\", En torno a Platón, O.M. Donato (dir.), Bogota, Universidad Libre, 2015, p. 153-204.

Plato / Ancient Political Thought / Platonic Political Philosophy / Ancient economic thought

Discursos enfrentados sobre la “liberación” de Atenas y el poder del dêmos

Ancient History / Greek History / Aristotle / Athenian Democracy / Thucydides / Ancient Greek History / Herodotus / Ancient Greek Politics / Ancient Political Thought / Ancient Athens / Tyrannoctones / Demokratía / Tyrannicides / Ancient Greek History / Herodotus / Ancient Greek Politics / Ancient Political Thought / Ancient Athens / Tyrannoctones / Demokratía / Tyrannicides

\"Cicerón y el imperio: una lectura poscolonial\" Auster 19 (2014) 33-44

Roman History / Cicero / Roman political culture / Roman Empire / Poscolonial studies / Ancient Political Thought

La praxis filosófica como praxis política. Una lectura de lo político en el Fedro de Platón / Philosophical praxis as a political praxis. A reading of ‘the politics’ in Plato’s Phaedrus

Ancient History / Intellectual History / Political Philosophy / Plato / Political History / Ancient Philosophy / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Ancient Greek Politics / Phaedrus / Ancient Political Thought / Plato's Phaedrus / Anciente History / Ancient Philosophy / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Ancient Greek Politics / Phaedrus / Ancient Political Thought / Plato's Phaedrus / Anciente History

Exposición de la ciudad ideal de Aristóteles.pdf

Political Theory / Ancient Political Thought / Aristoteles / Retórica, Política Grecia Antigua

La casa y su relación con la ciudad en Aristóteles

Political Philosophy / Politics / Filosofía Política / Ancient Political Thought / Aristoteles / Etica / Retórica, Política Grecia Antigua / Etica / Retórica, Política Grecia Antigua

El Privilegio de Otanes. La libertad del ciudadano en la democracia ateniense. El hilo de la fábula, 2016

Ancient History / Ancient Political Thought / History of Political Thought (Ancient and Modern)

\"Aristoteles: el gobierno de los mejores\" en L Sancho, ed. Filosofía y democracia en la Gracia Antigua, Zaragoza, 2009

Aristotle / History of Political Thought / Ancient social & political philosophy / Ancient Greek Politics / Aristotle's Politics / Ancient Political Thought / History of Greece / Ancient Political Thought / History of Greece
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